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RDW 12 安装日志补充说明

2008年11月11日 发表评论 阅读评论

接着安装 RDW Database 的最后一步操作:
2.3.15 创建RDW时间和日期(即往 RDW 各日期基表中写入初始数据) 时出现以下问题:
一、安装 RDW Database 参考文档 rdw-120-ig-db.pdf 章节:Create Time in RDW 中有说明:
1. If RMS is not being used as the source of the time calendar, move on to step 2,
otherwise after running time extraction in RMS (see RMS Operations Guide for
details), FTP time_454.txt, start_of_half_month.txt, and wkday.txt from RMS install
directory to the RDW directory <base_directory>/rdw12.0/install.
2. Login to the RDW database server as the UNIX user rdw12dev. Verify the RETL
executable is in the path of your Unix session by typing which rfx at the UNIX
3. Change directories to <base_directory>/rdw12.0/install.
4. Verify the C compiler is in the path of your Unix session and the C compiler is in
your Unix library path. At the Unix prompt, enter:
which cc
5. Compile the module cr_time_454, cr_time_13 and cr_time_g with a standard ANSI
C compiler. At the Unix prompt, enter:
cc –g –I. –o cr_time_454 c_utils.c cr_time_454.c
cc –g –I. –o cr_time_13 c_utils.c cr_time_13.c
cc –g –I. –o cr_time_g c_utils.c cr_time_g.c
6. Execute the cr_time.ksh module. At the Unix prompt enter:
7. This script will prompt for the calendar type. Choose 1 for 454 time, 2 for 13 period
time and 3 for 454 with Gregorian time.
8. At the prompt enter the 4-digit year for the beginning and ending of the time
Please enter first year to be loaded:
Please enter last year to be loaded:
Note: To determine the beginning and ending fiscal year,
refer to the text file modified above. Verify all months or
periods are included in the text file for the first year; no
partial years are allowed.
One text file will be generated in the install directory for each dimension table.
9. At the UNIX prompt, for 454 time calendar or 13 period time calendar enter:
10. At the UNIX prompt, for 454 time with Gregorian time calendar enter

根据 第1点中 see RMS Operations Guide for details,参考 rms-1203-og3.pdf 章节:Running the Time 454 Extract Module 来进行安装:
1. Log in to the RMS database server as RMS RETL-specific database user. Run the
profile and verify that the MMUSER and PASSWORD variables are set to the RETLsepcific
database user, and the appropriate password. Verify the RETL executable is
in the path of your UNIX session by typing:
%which rfx
2. Change directories to $MMHOME/install.
3. Modify the variable l_path in the extract_time.sql script to reference the UTL_FILE
directory specified in the RMS database parameter file.
4. At the UNIX prompt enter:
This script generates three files called time_454*.txt, wkday*.txt, and
start_of_half_month*.txt located in the utl_file_dir directory specified in your RMS
database parameter file.
5. Change directories on the UNIX server to $MMHOME/log. Review the log file that
was created or modified.
6. Change directories on the UNIX server to $MMHOME/error. Review the error files
that were created.
7. Move the three output files to $MMHOME/install directory.

1)执行启动RMS环境变量:source /home/oracle/rmsbatchenv.env
2)重新指定:export MMHOME=/d01/app/retail/rms/db/retlforRDW
4)cp $MMHOME/rfx/src/extract_time.ksh $MMHOME/install/extract_time.ksh
   cp $MMHOME/rfx/src/extract_time.sql $MMHOME/install/extract_time.sql

   vi extract_time.sql  //修改l_path=$MMHOME/install/

5)执行:cd $MMHOME/install
在目录$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行以上脚本的错误日志(extract_time.19960101.txt):

extract_time 11:51:49: Program extract_time started

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Tue Nov 11 11:51:49 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

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Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> SQL> old   2:    l_filename    VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&1’;
new   2:    l_filename    VARCHAR2(50) := ‘time_454.txt’;
old   3:    l_filename2 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&2’;
new   3:    l_filename2 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘wkday.txt’;
old   4:    l_filename3 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&3’;
new   4:    l_filename3 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘start_of_half_month.txt’;
old  26:    FROM &4.calendar c,
new  26:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar c,
old  27:     &4.system_options s
new  27:     RMS12DEV.system_options s
old  40:    FROM &4.calendar c,
new  40:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar c,
old  41:     &4.system_options s
new  41:     RMS12DEV.system_options s
old  50:    FROM &4.calendar;
new  50:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar;
old  54:    FROM &4.calendar;
new  54:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar;
old  58:    FROM &4.system_options;
new  58:    FROM RMS12DEV.system_options;
Unable to open file <$MMHOME/install/time_454.txt>: -29280:ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29280: invalid directory path
ORA-06512: at line 66

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With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

extract_time 11:51:49: ERROR: Program failed – check /d01/app/retail/rms/db/retlforRDW/error/extract_time.19960101

问题一:因根据以上RMS安装指导第4点说明,运行extract_time.ksh会产生time_454*.txt, wkday*.txt, and start_of_half_month*.txt,但目前没有生成此三个文件,并报在相应目录下找不到time_454.txt文件的错误。

登录PL/SQL tool,在Command Windows下查看utl_file_dir的值
SQL> show parameter utl_file_dir

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
———————————— ———– ——————————
utl_file_dir                         string      /d01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp, /tmp, /ftphome/gml/working

再修改:l_path=/d01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp’; /* value of utl_file_dir */
删除之前运行 extract_time.ksh 在目录 $MMHOME/error 中产生的 extract_time.*.txt 文件(有两个文件),再次运行:

extract_time 13:29:34: Program extract_time started

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Wed Nov 12 13:29:34 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

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Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> SQL> old   2:    l_filename    VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&1’;
new   2:    l_filename    VARCHAR2(50) := ‘time_454.txt’;
old   3:    l_filename2 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&2’;
new   3:    l_filename2 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘wkday.txt’;
old   4:    l_filename3 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘&3’;
new   4:    l_filename3 VARCHAR2(50) := ‘start_of_half_month.txt’;
old  26:    FROM &4.calendar c,
new  26:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar c,
old  27:     &4.system_options s
new  27:     RMS12DEV.system_options s
old  40:    FROM &4.calendar c,
new  40:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar c,
old  41:     &4.system_options s
new  41:     RMS12DEV.system_options s
old  50:    FROM &4.calendar;
new  50:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar;
old  54:    FROM &4.calendar;
new  54:    FROM RMS12DEV.calendar;
old  58:    FROM &4.system_options;
new  58:    FROM RMS12DEV.system_options;
SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

extract_time 13:29:34: Program completed succesfully

(i)在目录$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行脚本日志文件(extract_time.19960101.txt);
(ii)在目录$ORACLE_HOME/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp 下产生 time_454.txt、wkday.txt、start_of_half_month.txt 三个数据文件;

登录RMS数据库,查看日期数据:select * FROM RMS12DEV.calendar;

cp $ORACLE_HOME/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp/time_454.txt $MMHOME/install/time_454.txt
cp $ORACLE_HOME/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp/wkday.txt $MMHOME/install/wkday.txt
cp $ORACLE_HOME/admin/retl/utl_file_tmp/start_of_half_month.txt $MMHOME/install/start_of_half_month.txt

二、接着参考 RDW Database 安装指导文档 rdw-120-ig-db.pdf 章节:Create Time in RDW 进行操作:
1) source /home/oracle/rdw_profile_ora
2) cp /d01/app/retail/rms/db/retlforRDW/install/time_454.txt $MMHOME/install/time_454.txt
   cp /d01/app/retail/rms/db/retlforRDW/install/wkday.txt $MMHOME/install/wkday.txt
   cp /d01/app/retail/rms/db/retlforRDW/install/start_of_half_month.txt $MMHOME/install/start_of_half_month.txt
3) which cc
/usr/bin/cc -g -I. -o cr_time_454 c_utils.c cr_time_454.c
/usr/bin/cc -g -I. -o cr_time_13 c_utils.c cr_time_13.c
/usr/bin/cc -g -I. -o cr_time_g c_utils.c cr_time_g.c
4) 执行:
cd $MMHOME/install
Do you wish to use 454 time calendar, 13 period time calendar or 454 time calendar with Gregorian time calendar?
Enter 1 when you wish to use 454 time calendar,
Enter 2 when you wish to use 13 period time calendar,
Enter 3 when you wish to use 454 with Gregorian time calendar. [1, 2 or 3]
Please enter first year to be loaded:
Please enter last year to be loaded:
Starting the threads
All threads complete

Flow ran successfully
Terminated Ok
(i)上面提示中输入的启始年月日,是根据$MMHOME/install 目录下面的time_454.txt 文档中存在的最小最大日期输入的;如果输入的日期不在 time_454.txt 文件中列出来的日期范围内,则会产生错误;
(ii)如果RDW日期表中的初始日期是根据 time_454.txt 文档中的日期导入,那如果需要更大的日期时,是否要手动编辑往time_454.txt 文件中增加日期;如果这样做,那工作量可能很大,并根据自带 time_454.txt 文件看,产生日期的有方式不是通常年月的初末形式,而是从每个月第一个星期一开始。所以以后Retail各模板的日期或区间的初始化是业务顾问在系统中建立,还是从后台编辑此文本再进行导入?
(iii)上面提示中选择输入 Calendar type 时,我选择的是 1 for 454 time;而真正在系统中需要什么样的 Calendar type 还得请业务顾问确认一下。
(iv)执行了cr_time.ksh脚本后,在$MMHOME/install中产生许多time_*_dm.txt 数据文件,记录各种类型的数据,以供导入到RDW基表。

5)因为执行了1 for 454 time,所以执行第9步,即运行:time_load.ksh 和 time_trnsfrm_load.ksh 脚本:

在目录下$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行以上脚本的错误日志(time_load.20010310.txt):

time_load 13:58:09: Loading initial data files into TIME_DAY_DM TIME_YR_DM TIME_HALF_DM TIME_MTH_DM TIME_WK_DM TIME_QTR_DM in time_load
Starting the threads
WARN  – W149: [changecapture:1] “value” is not specified.  Comparing all fields.
Consider specifying the “value” property for better performance.
FATAL – retl 12.0.1 build 1142 (1.4.2_04-b05 :: Sun Microsystems Inc. :: i386 :: Linux :: 2.6.9-

FATAL – E135: Exception in operator [sort:2]
E108: java.io.IOException: gsort: not found

time_load 13:58:11: ERROR: Loading time flat file rdw12dm.TIME_DAY_DM failed
问题二:正常情况是把上一步产生的 time_*_dm.txt 数据文件中的数据写入到对应的RDW日期基表中,但出现以上错误,不知何因,还在查找原因中?


在目录下$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行以上脚本的错误日志(time_trnsfrm_load.20010310.txt):
./time_trnsfrm_load.ksh[30]: LAST_YR_DAY_IDNT
            LAST_WK_DAY_IDNT: bad number


2.3.16 Populate Static Dimension Data
1 ./timelfldm.ksh
在目录下$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行以上脚本的日志(timelfldm.20010310.txt):

timelfldm 15:15:12: Loading time LIKE FOR LIKE tables

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Tue Nov 11 15:15:12 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
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0 rows deleted.

Commit complete.

SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Starting the threads
All threads complete

Flow ran successfully

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Tue Nov 11 15:15:14 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

0 rows deleted.

Commit complete.

SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Starting the threads
All threads complete

Flow ran successfully

timelfldm 15:15:15: Loading time LIKE FOR LIKE tables completed successfully


2 ./vchragedm.ksh
在目录下$MMHOME/log 和 $MMHOME/error 下产生执行以上脚本的日志(vchragedm.20010310.txt):

vchragedm 15:17:18: Loading voucher age band table

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Tue Nov 11 15:17:18 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

0 rows deleted.

Commit complete.

SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Starting the threads
All threads complete

Flow ran successfully

vchragedm 15:17:20: Loading voucher age band table completed successfully


SELECT * FROM time_last_yr_by_day_lfl_dm;
SELECT * FROM time_last_yr_by_wk_lfl_dm;
SELECT * FROM vchr_age_band_dm;




本文永久链接: http://blog.retailsolution.cn/archives/1907






  1. zhiru.sun
    2008年11月17日16:59 | #1

    根据问题二的错误,编辑文件 time_load.ksh 在OPERATOR type=”changecapture” 中加入即变成:

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