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ASH 报告的作用:

    利用 ASH 报告可以分析持续时间通常只有几分钟的瞬间性能问题, 根据各种维度(如 time、session、module、action 或 sql_id )或这些维度的组合进行确定范围或目标的性能分析.

    瞬间性能问题持续的时间非常短,不会出现在Automatic Database Diagnostics Monitor (ADDM) 分析中。ADDM 尝 试在分析期间根据问题读 DB time 的影响报告重大的性能问题。如果某个特定的问题持续的时间非常短暂,则该问题 的严重性可能就被均匀化,或因分析期间产生的其他性能问题而减小。因此,在 ADDM 中可能找不到该问题的记录。

    ADDM 是否捕获某个性能问题,取决于该问题的持续时间与 AWR 快照之间的间隔的时间比。 如果性能问题持续的时间与快照间隔比非常大,则 ADDM 将捕获该问题。例如,如果快照间隔设为 1 小时,而性能问
题持续了 30 分钟,则该问题就不会被视为瞬间性能问题,因为其持续时间与快照间隔比较大,很可能被 ADDM 捕获 到。

    如果某个性能问题只持续 2 分钟,该问题可能就是一个短暂的性能问题,因为其持续时间与快照间隔的比例非常小, 不会出现在 ADDM 发现的问题当中。比如,如果用户通知您系统在晚上 10 点到 10 点过 10 分之间非常慢,而 ADDM 分析 的时段在晚上 10 点到 11 点之间,并且未显示任何性能问题,则可能发生了短暂的性能问题,在用户所报告的10分钟 时段内只持续了数分钟。


本实验的目的: 初步理解ASH报告

本实验的环境: 笔记本电脑上的EBS12.1.3 虚拟机(32位)

本实验的过程: 1、登录EBS,查询出一张客户=ABC Corporation Asia 的销售订单,在订单行上添加一行,新增3个AS54888的订购;然后保存;(这个过程在打开虚拟机首次执行时大约耗时10分钟;以后第二次会快很多,当我们这里就是研究第一次的ASH报告);





1、登录EBS,查询出一张客户=ABC Corporation Asia 的销售订单,在订单行上添加一行,新增3个AS54888的订购;然后保存;










[oracle@syfdemo ~]$ more ashrpt_1_0212_1111.txt

ASH Report For VIS/VIS

DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
———— ———– ———— ——– ———– — ————
VIS            280232500 VIS                 1  NO  syfdemo.ml.c

CPUs           SGA Size       Buffer Cache        Shared Pool    ASH Buffer Size
—- —————— —————— —————— ——————
   2      1,501M (100%)       992M (66.1%)       432M (28.8%)        4.0M (0.3%)

          Analysis Begin Time:   12-Feb-14 11:01:41
            Analysis End Time:   12-Feb-14 11:11:46
                 Elapsed Time:        10.1 (mins)
            Begin Data Source:   V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
              End Data Source:   V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
                 Sample Count:         311
      Average Active Sessions:        0.51
  Avg. Active Session per CPU:        0.26
                Report Target:   None specified

Top User Events                      DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                                               Avg Active
Event                               Event Class        % Event   Sessions
———————————– ————— ———- ———-
db file sequential read             User I/O             64.31       0.33
CPU + Wait for CPU                  CPU                  17.36       0.09
db file parallel read               User I/O              6.75       0.03
log file sync                       Commit                2.89       0.01

////  上面这一节列出 来自用户进程的,占采样会话活动比例最高的一些等待事件; 这里例子中比例最高的等待事件是 数据库文件的顺序读; 说明最大的问题是IO;



Top Background Events                DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                                               Avg Active
Event                               Event Class     % Activity   Sessions
———————————– ————— ———- ———-
control file parallel write         System I/O            3.22       0.02
CPU + Wait for CPU                  CPU                   2.57       0.01
log file parallel write             System I/O            2.25       0.01

////  上面这一节列出 来自后台进程的,占采样会话活动比例最高的一些等待事件;  最高的是控制文件的并行读,3.22% ;

Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values            DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

Event                          % Event  P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity
—————————— ——- —————————– ———-
Parameter 1                Parameter 2                Parameter 3
————————– ————————– ————————–
db file sequential read          64.31                 "1","593","1"       0.32
file#                      block#                     blocks

db file parallel read             6.75                 "3","89","89"       0.64
files                      blocks                     requests

control file parallel write       3.22                   "3","3","3"       2.89
files                      block#                     requests

log file sync                     2.89                "9474","0","0"       1.29
buffer#                    NOT DEFINED                NOT DEFINED

log file parallel write           2.25                   "1","2","1"       0.64
files                      blocks                     requests


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的一些等待事件(按等待时间 %Event排序);  并细分出每种等待事件中P1/P2/P3 三种子类型值;

比如  db file sequential read          64.31                 "1","593","1"       0.32
file#                      block#                     blocks

表示  db file sequential read     是等待最严重的事件, 其中单个文件读发生了1次,单个Block读发生了593次,多个Block一起读发生了1次?    


Top Service/Module                   DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

Service        Module                   % Activity Action               % Action
————– ———————— ———- —————— ———-
VIS            e:ONT:frm:OEXOEORD            69.77 ONT/ORDER_MGMT_SUP      69.77
SYS$BACKGROUND UNNAMED                        7.72 UNNAMED                  7.72
VIS            frmweb@syfdemo.ml.com (T       6.11 UNNAMED                  6.11
               fnd.framework.service.lo       5.79 6882                     5.79
               e:ONT:wf:OEOL                  3.86 ONT/ORDER_MGMT_SUP       3.86

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的一些服务和模块;  这里例子显示在这10分钟内,主要活动来自于销售订单Form;

Top Client IDs                       DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                                              Avg Active
Client ID                                          % Activity   Sessions
————————————————– ———- ———-
User            Program                           Service
————— ——————————— ——————–
OPERATIONS                                              76.53       0.39
APPS            frmweb@syfdemo.ml.com (TNS V1-V3) VIS

OPERATIONS                                               5.79       0.03
APPS            JDBC Thin Client                  VIS


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的客户端信息;  这里例子显示在这10分钟内,主要活动来自于ERP用户OPERATIONS , 对应的数据库用户是APPS, 使用的程序是Form;

Top SQL Command Types                DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> ‘Distinct SQLIDs’ is the count of the distinct number of SQLIDs
      with the given SQL Command Type found over all the ASH samples
      in the analysis period

                                           Distinct            Avg Active
SQL Command Type                             SQLIDs % Activity   Sessions
—————————————- ———- ———- ———-
SELECT                                           83      35.05       0.18
UPDATE                                            1       7.07       0.04
PL/SQL EXECUTE                                   10       6.75       0.03
INSERT                                            5       1.61       0.01

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的SQL语句类型;  这里例子显示在这10分钟内,主要活动来自于SELECT查询;

Top Phases of Execution              DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                          Avg Active
Phase of Execution             % Activity   Sessions
—————————— ———- ———-
SQL Execution                       85.85       0.44
PLSQL RPC                           75.88       0.39
Hard Parse                          17.68       0.09
Parse                               17.68       0.09
PLSQL Compilation                   14.15       0.07

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的SQL语句执行阶段;  这里例子显示在这10分钟内,主要SQL语句阶段来自于执行。 SQL的解析都是硬解析?;


^LTop SQL with Top Events             DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                                        Sampled #
                 SQL ID             Planhash        of Executions     % Activity
———————– ——————– ——————– ————–
Event                          % Event Top Row Source                    % RwSrc
—————————— ——- ——————————— ——-
          2r68fjxqkmpt8            732202868                    0           6.75
db file parallel read             6.43 ** Row Source Not Available **       6.43
D = :B334 , ATTRIBUTE1 = :B333 , ATTRIBUTE10 = :B332 , ATTRIBUTE11 = :B331 , ATT

          gdnwgx9fcxggr                  N/A                    1           3.22
db file sequential read           3.22 ** Row Source Not Available **       3.22
begin OE_SHIPPING_WF.START_SHIPPING (:v1, :v2, :v3, :v4, :v5); end;

          8k76jah7wnp6t           2273136528                    6           1.93
db file sequential read           1.29 TABLE ACCESS – BY INDEX ROWID        0.64
select prompt, description from fnd_menu_entries_tl where menu_id = :1 and entry
_sequence = :2 and language = :3

          bs4bnjpfdnpn2           2066941791                    4           1.29
db file sequential read           0.96 TABLE ACCESS – BY INDEX ROWID        0.96
select function_name, context_dependence, maintenance_mode_support, parame
ters, type, web_agent_name, web_host_name, web_html_call, web_icon, form_i
d from fnd_form_functions where function_id = :1


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的事件,以及导致该事件的SQL语句;这里的例子显示,这10分钟内等待时间最长的事件是 db file parallel read ; 而该事件主要是由于 “更新订单行”的SQL语句导致的。

Top SQL with Top Row Sources         DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                                                        Sampled #
                 SQL ID             PlanHash        of Executions     % Activity
———————– ——————– ——————– ————–
Row Source                               % RwSrc Top Event               % Event
—————————————- ——- ———————– ——-
          2r68fjxqkmpt8            732202868                    0           6.75
** Row Source Not Available **              6.75 db file parallel read      6.43
D = :B334 , ATTRIBUTE1 = :B333 , ATTRIBUTE10 = :B332 , ATTRIBUTE11 = :B331 , ATT

          gdnwgx9fcxggr                  N/A                    1           3.22
** Row Source Not Available **              3.22 db file sequential read    3.22
begin OE_SHIPPING_WF.START_SHIPPING (:v1, :v2, :v3, :v4, :v5); end;

          8k76jah7wnp6t           2273136528                    6           1.93
INDEX – UNIQUE SCAN                         0.96 db file sequential read    0.64
select prompt, description from fnd_menu_entries_tl where menu_id = :1 and entry
_sequence = :2 and language = :3

          bs4bnjpfdnpn2           2066941791                    4           1.29
TABLE ACCESS – BY INDEX ROWID               1.29 db file sequential read    0.96
select function_name, context_dependence, maintenance_mode_support, parame
ters, type, web_agent_name, web_host_name, web_html_call, web_icon, form_i
d from fnd_form_functions where function_id = :1


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的SQL语句及其执行计划,如果是SELECT查询语句,列出详细的执行计划信息,用以了解那部分的SQL执行导致了最主要的问题;这里的例子显示,这10分钟内更新语句和API执行是导致 db file parallel read 这个等待最严重事件的罪魁祸首,但没有显示执行计划 ;而第三句SELECt倒是显示了 对fnd_menu_entries_tl 表的 Index Unique Scan 占据了 db file parallel read 这个等待最严重事件的0.96%;

Top SQL using literals               DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                  No data exists for this section of the report.

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的  使用了常量的SQL语句,我们可以看看如果存在使用常量的SQL语句,那么可以考虑使用绑定变量来改进; 本例中没有发现使用常量的SQL语句。

Top Parsing Module/Action            DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

Module                         Action                           % Activ Event
—————————— ——————————– ——- ——–

e:ONT:frm:OEXOEORD             ONT/ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER          16.08 db file
                               ONT/ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER                db file
                               ONT/ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER                CPU + Wa
frmweb@syfdemo.ml.com (TNS V1-                                     1.29 db file

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的,用在解析SQL语句上的模块。


Top PL/SQL Procedures                DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> ‘PL/SQL entry subprogram’ represents the application’s top-level
      entry-point(procedure, function, trigger, package initialization
      or RPC call) into PL/SQL.
-> ‘PL/SQL current subprogram’ is the pl/sql subprogram being executed
      at the point of sampling . If the value is ‘SQL’, it represents
      the percentage of time spent executing SQL for the particular
      plsql entry subprogram

PLSQL Entry Subprogram                                            % Activity
—————————————————————– ———-
PLSQL Current Subprogram                                           % Current
—————————————————————– ———-
APPS.OE_OE_FORM_LINE.VALIDATE_AND_WRITE                                18.01
   SQL                                                                 17.04
APPS.OE_OE_FORM_LINE.CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE                                  16.40
   SQL                                                                 15.43
APPS.OE_OE_FORM_HEADER.PROCESS_OBJECT                                   9.00
   SQL                                                                  8.04
APPS.OE_ATP.ATP_CHECK                                                   4.18
   SQL                                                                  3.86
APPS.OE_OE_FORM_LINE.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES                                 3.86
   SQL                                                                  3.86

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的PLSQL程序。其中,PLSQL Entry Subprogram是PLSQL的入口程序,PLSQL Current Subprogram 是当前执行的子程序,如果PLSQL Current Subprogram =SQL; 那么%Current 表示的是为当前子程序执行SQL的百分比时间。


Top Java Workload                    DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                  No data exists for this section of the report.

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的JAVA 程序, 本例中没有出现;

^LTop Sessions                        DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> ‘# Samples Active’ shows the number of ASH samples in which the session
      was found waiting for that particular event. The percentage shown
      in this column is calculated with respect to wall clock time
      and not total database activity.
-> ‘XIDs’ shows the number of distinct transaction IDs sampled in ASH
      when the session was waiting for that particular event
-> For sessions running Parallel Queries, this section will NOT aggregate
      the PQ slave activity into the session issuing the PQ. Refer to
      the ‘Top Sessions running PQs’ section for such statistics.

   Sid, Serial# % Activity Event                             % Event
————— ———- —————————— ———-
User                 Program                          # Samples Active     XIDs
——————– —————————— —————— ——–
      362,34551      79.74 db file sequential read             57.88
APPS                 frmweb@syfdemo…m (TNS V1-V3)     180/605 [ 30%]        4

                           CPU + Wait for CPU                  14.79
                                                         46/605 [  8%]        1

                           db file parallel read                6.75
                                                         21/605 [  3%]        1

      286,  239       5.79 db file sequential read              4.18
APPS                 JDBC Thin Client                    13/605 [  2%]        0

                           CPU + Wait for CPU                   1.61
                                                          5/605 [  1%]        0

      390,    1       3.54 control file parallel write          3.22
SYS                  oracle@syfdemo.ml.com (CKPT)        10/605 [  2%]        0

      279, 4765       2.89 db file sequential read              2.25
APPS                 frmweb@syfdemo…m (TNS V1-V3)       7/605 [  1%]        0

      391,    1       2.25 log file parallel write              2.25
SYS                  oracle@syfdemo.ml.com (LGWR)         7/605 [  1%]        0


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的会话;

Top Blocking Sessions                DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> Blocking session activity percentages are calculated with respect to
      waits on enqueues, latches and "buffer busy" only
-> ‘% Activity’ represents the load on the database caused by
      a particular blocking session
-> ‘# Samples Active’ shows the number of ASH samples in which the
      blocking session was found active.
-> ‘XIDs’ shows the number of distinct transaction IDs sampled in ASH
      when the blocking session was found active.

Blocking Sid (Inst) % Activity Event Caused                      % Event
——————– ———- —————————— ———-
User                 Program                          # Samples Active     XIDs
——————– —————————— —————— ——–
   391,    1(     1)       2.89 log file sync                        2.89
SYS                  oracle@syfdemo.ml.com (LGWR)         7/605 [  1%]        0


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动比例最高的  阻塞其他会话的会话; 本例中这个会话的Session id 是391,  XIDS =0 表示在采样期间,受影响的事务处理储量为0;

^LTop Sessions running PQs            DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                  No data exists for this section of the report.

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动等待事件比例最高的 运行并行查询的会话; 本例中没有;

Top DB Objects                       DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> With respect to Application, Cluster, User I/O and buffer busy waits only.

      Object ID % Activity Event                             % Event
————— ———- —————————— ———-
Object Name (Type)                                    Tablespace
—————————————————– ————————-
          67932       7.07 db file parallel read                6.43

          34881       5.47 db file sequential read              5.47

        1231012       4.82 db file sequential read              4.50

          68069       3.54 db file sequential read              3.54

          34805       2.57 db file sequential read              2.57


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动事件比例最高的事件所涉及的数据库对象;

Top DB Files                         DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> With respect to Cluster and User I/O events only.

        File ID % Activity Event                             % Event
————— ———- —————————— ———-
File Name                                             Tablespace
—————————————————– ————————-
              7      18.97 db file sequential read             12.54
/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/reference3.dbf        APPS_TS_SEED

                           db file parallel read                6.43

             30      11.25 db file sequential read             11.25
/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/reference2.dbf        APPS_TS_SEED

             45       5.47 db file sequential read              5.47
/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/reference1.dbf        APPS_TS_SEED

            118       3.86 db file sequential read              3.86
/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/tx_data32.dbf         APPS_TS_TX_DATA

             70       2.89 db file sequential read              2.57
/d01/oracle/VIS/db/apps_st/data/tx_idx8.dbf           APPS_TS_TX_IDX


////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动事件比例最高的事件所涉及的数据库文件;

Top Latches                          DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)

                  No data exists for this section of the report.

////  上面这一节列出   占采样会话活动事件比例最高的事件所涉及的数据库latch(闩锁);


^LActivity Over Time                  DB/Inst: VIS/VIS  (Feb 12 11:01 to 11:11)
-> Analysis period is divided into smaller time slots
-> Top 3 events are reported in each of those slots
-> ‘Slot Count’ shows the number of ASH samples in that slot
-> ‘Event Count’ shows the number of ASH samples waiting for
   that event in that slot
-> ‘% Event’ is ‘Event Count’ over all ASH samples in the analysis period

                         Slot                                   Event
Slot Time (Duration)    Count Event                             Count % Event
——————– ——– —————————— ——– ——-
11:01:41   (19 secs)        6 db file sequential read               4    1.29
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                    2    0.64
11:02:00   (1.0 min)       36 db file sequential read              28    9.00
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                    6    1.93
                              db file parallel read                 1    0.32
11:03:00   (1.0 min)       46 db file sequential read              27    8.68
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                   13    4.18
                              control file parallel write           6    1.93
11:04:00   (1.0 min)       30 db file sequential read              21    6.75
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                    6    1.93
                              control file parallel write           1    0.32
11:05:00   (1.0 min)       40 db file sequential read              30    9.65
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                    9    2.89
                              db file scattered read                1    0.32
11:06:00   (1.0 min)       57 db file parallel read                20    6.43
                              db file sequential read              20    6.43
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                   10    3.22
11:07:00   (1.0 min)       33 db file sequential read              27    8.68
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                    5    1.61
                              control file parallel write           1    0.32
11:08:00   (1.0 min)       54 db file sequential read              43   13.83
                              CPU + Wait for CPU                   10    3.22
                              control file parallel write           1    0.32
11:09:00   (1.0 min)        6 log file sync                         5    1.61
                              log file parallel write               1    0.32
11:10:00   (1.0 min)        2 log file parallel write               1    0.32
                              log file sync                         1    0.32
11:11:00   (46 secs)        1 CPU + Wait for CPU                    1    0.32

////  上面这一节把采样会话活动期间分成十份; 第1份和第十分通常是时间零头;中间八份的时间是均等的;


End of Report
[oracle@syfdemo ~]$


参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/sqlite3/archive/2011/05/26/2568146.html


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