Retail R12 Demo环境的系统迁移&复原指南
Oracle RetailR12.0.7 For Oracle Enterprise linux 4.4 x86_64 Pack
— Creation date : 2008-9-21
— Created by :
— Software in this pack
— Oracle Database :
addtional Applied patch :5397953
— Oracle app server :
Oracle application Forms Services and Reports Services
Oracle application Server SOA suit
— Retail Moudule :
RMS 12.0.7
RSM 12.0.4
RPM 12.0.7
ReIM 12.0.7
Alloc 12.0.7
— Copy Right 2008-2010 @ Hand Co,.Ltd. All Right Reserved
Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.4 x86_64 CD Disk1 -Disk4
Install Step
1 Install Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.4 x86_64
Requirements :
1.1 Disable firewall
1.2 Disable SElinux
1.3 Disable WebServer Shiped With Linux
1.4 Swap Size should be
Memory Siza Swap Size
a 1-4 GB 2 X Memory Size
b 4-8 GB 1 X Memory Size
c >8 GB 0.75 X Memory Size
2 Transfer app.tar.gz to linux /
Transfer prepare_action.tar.gz to linux /
3 cd /
tar -zxvf prepare_action.tar.gz
3.1 install all rpms , these rpm packages stay in /d01/prepare_action/rpms/
3.2 create user and group , the scripts stay in /d01/prepare_action/scripts
3.3 overwrite some liunx OS Config files , these config files stay in /d01/prepare_action/os_config_file/topdir
3.4 modify /etc/hosts to meet your hostname
4 cd /
tar -zxvf app.tar.gz
5 complete…
6 test installation
5.1 start database
5.2 start application server (form & report Service)
5.3 start application server soa suit
5.4 tell client user to test application function
7.1 when i start database ,i got error can not be found ,Tns start error! how to resolove it?
A: please install rpm package libaio..x86_64 useing rpm -ivh
7.2 i start appserver(form&report Service) first ,then start soa suit ,but i got error : some oc4j instance can not be started normaly ,how to resolve it?
A: reconfig ajp,jms .etc ‘s port whin opmn.xml ,then reload opmn config, restart soa suit;
7.3 i start appserver(form&report service) and appserver soa suit normaly ,bug i can not run rms at clint ,the client browse tell me “internal server error ” why ? how to resolove it?
A: just wait 3 minute and retry.
7.4 This system contain Demo Data , but i need a fresh system , how to do ?
A: you may refrence this article :
Ctrl + F to find “#Delete Demo Data”
#Delete Demo Data
cd $STAGING_AREA/seed_data/delete_scripts
echo @removeRmsDemoData.sql | $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus rms12dev/rms12dev@RETL
just flow the instruction to delete demodata and seed data ,then only rebuild seed data.
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